Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
  • Framed Butterflies

  • Framed Butterflies

  • Framed Butterflies

  • Painting Trees & Sand Dunes Scape on Canvas w/Brown Wood Frame

  • Paperweight Clear Resin w/Insect

  • Retablo Purgatory in Lucite Box

  • 2 Skeleton Ladies of the Night in Lucite Box

  • 3 Skeleton Ladies of the Night in Lucite Box

  • Egg Collector/Pumpkin Angel/Bee Keeper in Lucite Box

  • Shadow Box 12 Coral Walnut Frame & Bark

  • Shadow Box 12 Coral Walnut Frame & Bark

  • Shadow Box 12 Coral White Frame/Vintage Mirror

  • Shadow Box Floating Fish Lures w/Medium Wood Frame

  • Geishas 5 Porcelain in Lucite Case